Barn/Stall Cleaning Service

Our barn/stall cleaning service costs $40.00/$75.00 per hour for one/two staff and is tailored for specific cleaning needed in individual areas. Any tasks you need help with, we can do it!

We know having a clean barn is more than just keeping things pleasant for you and your herd. Schedule weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as often as needed to keep your barn looking and smelling fresh.

We sort, declutter, clean and organize for continued maintenance of dust, cobwebs, and any necessary cleaning needed for your barn to stay in top shape. As well as:

  • Scrub and wipe down the barn and stall walls

  • Striping stalls and/or replace bedding

  • Cleaning of feed, tack and bathroom

  • Barn aisle cleaning and blow out

  • Scrubbing feed/water buckets & troughs

  • Tack cleaning

  • And more!